When I chose to leave the corporate world in November 2021 and focus all of my attention on writing Act 3 of my life, I started capturing observations that came to me through the course of the day. Over the next few months, I’ll begin sharing some of  my Random Thoughts and Occasional Musings. Here’s the first set.

  • Musicians that refrain from  complaints about pay, rarely leave money on the table.
  • There is a huge difference between an ‘ask’ and an ‘invitation.'” One says, “Will you do this for me?” The other says, “Will you join me in this?”
  • You can control what you say, but not how others hear it. Never assume that what you’ve said is what others heard.
  • You get to vote on music you like. You don’t get to vote on what good music is, and you don’t get to vote on what other people like.
  • Most of the stories people tell about you are fiction, but are based in fact. That’s an uncomfortable truth.